The SCA would like to thank those of you who were able to join us at our first Annual General Meeting (AGM) as an incorporated not-for-profit organization. We are pleased that we far exceeded our quorum requirement for the meeting and were able to conduct the business required to satisfy our statutory requirements, including the unanimous election of the proposed slate of directors.

For any of you who weren’t able to make it or simply would like to review the information shared at the meeting, we have posted the AGM materials (information package, recorded AGM webinar and slides) here. You’ll just need to login first as this is for SCA members only. If you’re not yet a member, we encourage you to join today!

We would also like to take this opportunity to once again thank those of you who have generously donated to our fundraiser. We have just passed the 73% mark of our fundraising goal to cover the legal costs associated with protecting the future of the green space in the Stonebridge community. We’ve raised over $33,122 of our $45,000 goal thanks to 209 donors. If you haven’t had a chance to contribute yet but still plan to, you can access our GoFundMe campaign here. We’re almost at the finish line!

About Mike

Dad to 3. Proud Husband. Managing Partner of |Global Digital Marketing and Culture Consultant, Trainer & Speaker specializing in helping Public Sector Orgs

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