Planning Circulation: 4305, 4345 & 4375 McKenna Casey Drive & 3285, 3288, 3300, 3305 & 3330 Borrisokane Road

<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong></br>The City of Ottawa has received an Official Plan Amendment to introduce site-specific special policies to allow for the identification of lands suitable for development through a specified approvals process. Site Location: 4305, 4345 and 4375 McKenna Casey Drive and 3285, 3288, 3300, 3305 and 3330 Borrisokane Road. <a href=",-4345-&-4375-mcKenna-casey-drive-&-3285,-3288,-3300,-3305-&-3330-Borrisokane-Road/">Read More</a>
By : Aline | Dec 11, 2017