Membership Renewals:
We have recently launched SCA New Website and with all the changes returning members might not know how to renew their membership.
Please Read the Following:
1) We will or already have contacted you with your new username and password by private email.
2) You will need the new Username and Password to login to renew your membership.
3) Your old Username and Password will not work on this new site.
4) If at any time you are not sure or need help please contact us at Web Admin help
5) If you haven’t received the email notification for your Username and Password contact us and we will send it to you. Web Admin help
6) If your membership is about to expire or has expire don’t panic contact us.Web Admin help
For Soccer
Registration will start soon- Mid April.
If anyone is having trouble registering for Soccer and are having any issues, drop us an email and we will get you on the list in time. Web Admin help
I will join on cleanup day.