Is my membership in good standing?
To check the status of your membership you’ll need to login into the website with your username and password. You can login using the Log In main menu option.
If you don’t remember your password you can easily reset it using the Lost Password option under the Log In menu.
Once you are logged in, navigate to the Membership Account option under the Membership Center main menu item.
If under My Memberships it reads ‘Your membership is not active’ then your membership has expired, and can be easily renewed using the Renew Now link.
If you require any assistance checking your membership status please contact us as at
Can I pay by cheque?
Yes. When you join or renew on the website select the ‘Pay by Check’ option rather than ‘Credit Card’.
Please make your cheque payable to the Stonebridge Community Association (Memo/RE ‘Membership’).
Mail it to the SCA:
Stonebridge Community Association
c/o PO Box 34014
3777 Strandherd Drive
Ottawa, ON
K2J 5B1
This is a Canada Post box address only. Mail cannot be dropped off.
If you would prefer to have your cheque picked up or drop it off, please email us at
How do I renew my membership?
To renew your membership you’ll need to login into the website with your username and password. You can login using the Log In main menu option.
If you don’t remember your password you can easily reset it using the Lost Password option under the Log In menu.
Once you are logged in, navigate to the Membership Account option under the Membership Center main menu item.
Use the Renew link to renew your membership. Note that the Renew link only appears within 60 days of your Expiration date. If not renewed, your membership will expire by the Expiration date shown. You will receive an email confirmation of your membership renewal. If you don’t see a Renew link, then you can easily re-join under the Join Now option.
If your Expiration date reads ‘—‘ and under Billing it reads ‘$20.00 per Year‘, your account is set to auto renew and there is nothing to do! You will receive an email notification in advance of your automatic renewal as a reminder that this will occur. You will receive your invoice for this payment automatically by email.
If you require any assistance with your membership renewal please don’t hesitate to contact as at
How do I access the Membership Center?
Check How to Navigate to the Membership Center.
How do I reset my password?
If you don’t remember your password you can easily reset it using the Lost Password option under the Log In menu.
How do I change my password?
To change your password you’ll need to login into the website with your username and password. You can login using the Log In main menu option.
Once you are logged in, navigate to the Your Profile option under the Membership Center main menu item.
Use the Change link to change your password.
How do I update my credit card information?
To update your credit card information you’ll need to login into the website with your username and password. You can login using the Log In main menu option.
Once you are logged in, navigate to the Membership Billing option under the Membership Center main menu item.
Update your credit card information under Payment Information.
Is my credit card information secure?
Your credit card information is not recorded or accessible in any way by the SCA, once provided it is immediately transmitted to a global online payment processor that is securely integrated with the SCA website. The payment gateway used is Stripe, and is the only place that your credit card information is used for purposes of processing a payment transaction. More information on Stripe security can be found here.
Is my membership set to auto renew?
Auto renewal on your membership is presented as an option and authorized for a recurring annual charge when you join.
To check your membership you’ll need to login into the website with your username and password. You can login using the Log In main menu option.
Once you are logged in, navigate to the Membership Account option under the Membership Center main menu item.
If under Billing it reads ‘$20.00 per Year‘ and you have a Renewal Date, your account is set to auto renew and there is nothing to do! You will receive an email notification in advance of your automatic renewal as a reminder that this will occur. You will receive your invoice for this payment automatically by email.
If you membership is not set to auto renew, you can easily renew your membership using the Renew link under the Membership Account option. You will receive an email confirmation that your membership has been renewed.
How do I cancel my membership?
To cancel your membership you’ll need to login into the website with your username and password. You can login using the Log In main menu option.
Once you are logged in, navigate to the Membership Account option under the Membership Center main menu item.
Use the Cancel link to cancel your membership. You will receive an email confirmation that your membership has been cancelled.
Other questions?
If you require any assistance with your membership renewal, or anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact as at