Now that the municipal election is over, the SCA has reached out to the City of Ottawa for a status update and timeline regarding the facilitation with Mattamy concerning future development on the Stonebridge Golf Course. Highlights from their response include:
- The facilitator has been secured and the contract has been finalized (Nicole Swerhun).
- Mattamy and the City are still fully committed to the facilitation process.
- The new Ward 22 Councillor is yet to be sworn in, a prerequisite for getting started.
- The process will begin with the facilitator conducting interviews with key stakeholders (i.e. the City, councillors, Mattamy, and the SCA).
- We have asked for the City to provide us with a timeline and methodology as soon as possible and will be posting it as soon as we obtain it.
To see past updates on this topic please visit our Mattamy Phase 16 – Stonebridge Golf Course Redesign section.