Dear #StonebridgeCommunity residents,
Following our most recent communication regarding the Stonebridge Golf Course file on January 16, 2020, and after experiencing some delays due to COVID-19, we are now in a position to provide a general community update. For anyone that is new to Stonebridge and/or just learning about this issue now, please be sure to review our previous communications as well as key official documents.
We have received two draft legal agreements from Mattamy, a Tripartite agreement and a Purchase & Sale agreement, and have hired legal expertise to review these and ensure they adhere to the LOI
The SCA has retained the services of a municipal, land use planning and environmental lawyer, Kristi M Ross, to finalize the Tripartite agreement between the SCA, Mattamy Homes and the City of Ottawa, as well as the Purchase & Sale agreement for the golf course lands. The first copies of these agreements have been drafted by Mattamy Homes and Kristi Ross is now in the process of reviewing them in detail to ensure they adhere to Mattamy’s Letter of Intent (LOI). The City of Ottawa’s legal team has also received these agreements and must review them as well. The Purchase and Sale agreement is required by the City of Ottawa’s Finance and Economic Committee (FEDCO) before the levy can be incorporated into the 2021 Property Tax Roll.
Update on Plan of Subdivision and By-Law Amendment Applications for 2701 Longfields Drive
As previously communicated, Mattamy’s Plan of Subdivision & Zoning By-Law Amendment applications were posted by the City of Ottawa in December, for the redevelopment of the Stonebridge Golf Course to accommodate the construction of the Phase 16 subdivision. These applications were reviewed, and questions and concerns raised to Mattamy were shared in the January review that was communicated to residents. The public comment period ran until January 17th. These applications are still moving through the planning approvals process at the City of Ottawa. A public consultation is expected to be conducted on Mattamy’s Plan of Subdivision before the Zoning By-Law Amendment is tabled at the City’s Planning Committee.
COVID-19 Implications
While trying to push forward the approval process; we find ourselves in the midst of a worldwide pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. As governments, businesses, schools and individual households have had to adjust to strict governmental social/physical distancing directives; it is understandable that certain target dates will have to be modified.
Next Steps
Once the legal agreements have been reviewed, and the SCA, with the support of SWG volunteers and the legal expertise of Kristi Ross, feels that the LOI and commitments made by the City are accurately reflected, we plan to share these documents with Stonebridge residents before final signing. We will continue to provide progress reports regarding the finalization of the agreements and provide an updated timeline for remaining activities once established. The SCA plans to launch a fundraising effort in the coming months to help cover the legal costs associated with reviewing and finalizing the agreements, however, in the short-term, we will continue to focus on adherence and support of COVID-19 directives. For up to date information please visit Ottawa Public Health.
Thank you for your continued patience.