The SCA has traditionally organized and promoted events in the Stonebridge community. With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and the associated public health directives around social distancing and masks, these activities had to be suspended. We are hoping that 2022 will allow for the resumption of these activities such as the Annual Community Spring Cleanup, Just for Fun Soccer Program, Annual Stonebridge Garage Sale, Movie Nights in the Park, the Children’s Christmas Party and more!
The successful delivery of programs to the Stonebridge community is also reliant upon volunteers coming forward to assist with coordinating and running these activities. Volunteering will be a theme in our 2022 communications. We would love to hear from Stonebridge residents who would like to volunteer some of their time to their community to allow for the continuation of these programs.
If your volunteering interest is more than lending a hand occasionally, we are also looking for individuals to join the board in vacant seats such as the Director of Events, a critical SCA Board position that needs to be filled. Please contact the SCA to indicate your interests and availability to volunteer in any capacity by email to High School students in Stonebridge who volunteer will be able to use their volunteer hours in achieving their 40 hours of Community Involvement Secondary School graduation requirements.