Candidates for City Councillor in Ward 3 (Barrhaven)
2018 Municipal Election
Candidates’ Comments
Future Development on the Stonebridge Golf Course
Mayor of Ottawa / Ward 3 (Barrhaven) / Ward 22 (Gloucester-South Nepean) / Ward 21 (Rideau-Goulbourn)
Jan Harder
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 24, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Jan Harder</strong></br>
<strong>City Councillor</strong></br>
<strong>Ward 3 Barrhaven</strong></br>
<a href=""></a></br>
<a href=""></a><p>
Stonebridge Community Association Questionnaire<p>
<strong>1) Will you support the Stonebridge community in its efforts to stop any development on the Stonebridge Golf Course? Why or why not?</strong><p>
Yes, I will support the community in its efforts to maintain the Stonebridge Golf Course. I’ve been a part of the growth of the Stonebridge community since its beginning. I’m proud of what Stonebridge has become – a community full of life built around a great community asset. I believe changing the Stonebridge Golf Course to squeeze in more housing is wrong because it changes the character of the community. As per my letter below, I have and always will stand behind the decisions and direction of the community. <p>
<strong>Dear Stonebridge Resident,</strong><p>
Vibrant communities start with just one house and one family. </br></br>
I have been extremely lucky to have been able to be part of the development of the Stonebridge community since the beginning.</br></br>
I am proud of what Stonebridge has become - a community full of life built around a great community asset.</br></br>
I have always believed the best way to grow a community is by working together. I have made sure that when working with neighbours and community associations we had no secrets and no agendas - only the best interests of the community at heart. I have made sure that we are never told how it's going to be, and I made sure that we were always free to come together and chart our future.</br></br>
Sometimes protecting our future requires a line in the sand. In the case of the recent application by Mattamy homes to redevelop portions of the Stonebridge Golf Course, I believe we need to draw a line in the sand and you need to know exactly where I stand.</br></br>
Let me be clear - I stand with you.</br></br>
Changing the Stonebridge Golf Course to squeeze in more housing is wrong and I w ill not support it.</br></br>
Mattamy has bowed to the political pressure I placed on them and has withdrawn their application, but they will be back.</br></br>
As we move forward I commit to you, that as your Councillor, I will use all my political skills and resources to oppose and defeat any application Mattamy brings to redevelop the Stonebridge Golf Course. To do this I need your help. I need you to stand with me. Together we have the skills and the power to protect our community.</br></br>
With the strength of the Stonebridge community and my 20 years of political experience, I know we will be successful. This may be a long and tiring process, but I am committed to standing with you and I will never give up the fight.</br></br>
If you have any further questions on where I stand, please don't hesitate to contact me at <a href=""></a>.<p>
<strong>2) If you choose to support residents of the Stonebridge community, how will you support us? What specifically can and will you do?</strong></br></br>
When I heard about this application, I immediately informed the Stonebridge Community Association through its leadership, Jay McLean and Aline Gossein, and ensured all parties were involved in all of the discussions with the City and developer. It was clear residents opposed this application and I asked Mattamy to withdraw the application. </br></br>
I have always worked with the Stonebridge Community Association to ensure the interests of the community are met. I’ve read a lot of what people think about my view and comments regarding this application. To clarify, I brought the Stonebridge Community Association and City together to come to an agreement and I can confirm an independent third party facilitator has been hired and will take the lead. Moving forward, I will continue to support the views of the Association and its residents. </br></br>
Of the candidates in this election, as Chair of Planning and as your long-time councillor, I am the only one who has the experience and qualifications to lead Stonebridge residents. Ask the next person who tells you they will vote against any future applications one question and that is “What then?”. I will be the one with the answers.
Hadi Wess
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 23, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Hadi Weiss</strong></br>
<a href=""></a></br>
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Franklin Epape
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 19, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Franklin Epape</strong></br>
<a href=""></a><p>
"This issue between Mattamy Homes and Stonebridge golf course showcases two main limits on how our city is managed.<p>
First of all, the fact that city councilors are yielding to all their wishes has enabled developers to think that they don't need to take the citizens' opinion into consideration anymore. <p>
Secondly, this situation is also symptomatic of how people's needs stand low on the developers' priorities as too often, they were ready to sacrifice the population well-being just to increase their bottom-line. From day one I opposed this unfair plan that was in fact a breach of a previous Mattamy's commitment to the Stonebridge residents.<p>
I stood firm with the community to say no. I spoke to Mattamy directly and publicly at the community meeting. Because let us face it, the decision of Mattamy Homes to withdraw their plan to build homes on a section of the Stonebridge Golf Course and Country Club was not out of their good will , but rather the result of the determination of an entire community that took on itself to fight for their member's well-being.<p>
I was on the ground day and night, discussing with grassroots organisations and members of the community. I heard and understood their concerns that it has been just a matter of time before the entire course could be built over. Most of residents who used their hard-earning savings to buy a dream house surrounded by a Golf club felt betrayed by politicians and developers. An issue like this is exactly why I decided to run. It is important to rebuild trust between people and their representatives. This can only be done if we decide to put the peoples' interests above all. That's what I intend to do from day one and every day as Barrhaven Ward 3 city council. <p>
We have to ensure that Mattany will not come back with a different version of the same proposition that will upset residents. We will have Mattamy clearly commits to stick to its words. This issue has Shawn that community mobilization and participation is helping. Our approach will be twofold: community dialogue and collective action .We need to work together to produce the change in Developers mentality so that the community could improve the health and welfare of all of its members. <p>
When we talk about community dialogue, this is what has been already taken part with the Stonebridge community, where members have recognized the problem. <p>
Leaders and stakeholders have been identified and engaged individuals has expressed shared needs: keeping their community as is. What we need now is to determine a course of a collective action. I will work with the community to develop and implement an advocacy plan on how to build alliances with other stakeholders such as the media, professional associations to hold Mattamy accountable of their words. Developers have long time abuse of their power. That's why we need a fresh face for a fresh start"<p>
Atiq Qureshi
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 17, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Atiq Qureshi</strong></br>
<a href=""></a></br>
<a href=""></a><p>
Stonebridge Golf & Country Club is a gem in Barrhaven. Any additional development will diminish its shine.
Barrhaven, specially WARD 3 is a fast growing community day by day, I strongly favour that there should be a balance among builders & residents needs.
Unfortunately we did not see and are not seeing this. As city Councillor candidate of ward 3 my position to Mattamy Homes development is;<p>
1- They should not go for this development as, it was their sale campaign to earn premiums on lots.</br>
2- It is a breach of their contract if reasoning of lot premium is golf course.</br>
3- Even if it is inevitable for them, residents consensus should be mandatory.</br>
4- If consensus develop among residents of Stonebridge community than, I will put this suggestion;<p>
Mattamy return the lot premium or any other amount they charged in this regard plus %age increased value
of the property, for example; if property value increased by 10% they will return lot premium+10% of this premium.
Residents have a right to get the return on their Investment.<p>
More over, they cannot go for any further development like this in this community.
Ahmad Malgarai
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 17, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Ahmad Malgarai</strong></br>
<a class="in-cell-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><p>
Thank you for contacting us. Please read the following response I provided to CBC.<p>
<strong>Question 20: If elected, what single greatest change do you hope to have made in Ottawa or in your ward, four years from now? (Limit answer to 150 words.) </strong><p>
"Put the residents of Ottawa above politics. Taxpayers feel powerless regarding local development in their own backyards. There needs to be an honest consultation with immediate neighbors and their concerns must be better addressed. One such issue of concern would be to stop the proposed development of the Stonebridge Golf Club. I will be always asking tough questions. I will stand up for ward 3 and Ottawa as whole. I live here and pay my taxes here. I love this city. I will always respect the taxpayer. I know it’s your money. I won’t allow anyone to waste it. Together need to bring a new balanced approach to governance. My commitment to you is that I will always be an accessible councillor- not only having weekly office hours also be accessible by phone 24/7."<p>
For more details please check my answers in the following link: <p>
<a href=""></a><p>
If elected I would do everything in my power to stop any application by Mattamy Homes for building over any parts of the existing Stonebridge Golf Course. <p>
I hope this answers your question.</br>