Candidates for Mayor of Ottawa
2018 Municipal Election
Candidates’ Comments
Future Development on the Stonebridge Golf Course
Mayor of Ottawa / Ward 3 (Barrhaven) / Ward 22 (Gloucester-South Nepean) / Ward 21 (Rideau-Goulbourn)
Clive Doucet
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received October 4, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Clive Doucet</strong></br>
<a href=""></a></br>
<a href=""></a></br><p>
Our position on development in general, which certainly applies in this circumstance, is that all development should meet community standards. If the community is unanimously against a development, we will back the community. Development should be something that enhances a community, not detracts from it. <p>
Stephanie Johnson</br>
Scheduling & Community Outreach</br>
Jim Watson
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 17, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Jim Watson</strong></br>
<strong>City of Ottawa</strong></br>
<a href=""></a></br>
<a href=""></a><p>
Thank you for your e-mail. By copy on my response, I would like to connect you with Lee Ann Snedden, the City of Ottawa’s Director of Planning Services. Lee Ann will be able to outline the City’s position in regards to any future development of the Stonebridge Golf Course. All the best.<p>
Jim Watson</br>
City of Ottawa</br>
</br>Thank you for your email below. It would not be appropriate to speculate on a position at this time, as there is not an active application before the City.<p>
An extensive review of any future application would be required including public consultation before any recommendations would be made.<p>
Lee Ann Snedden</br>
Director of Planning Services</br>
Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department / Services de planification, de l'infrastructure et de développement économique<p>
City of Ottawa / Ville d'Ottawa</br>
110 Laurier Avenue West / 110, avenue Laurier Ouest</br>
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1</br>
613-580-2424 Ext./Poste 25779</br>
613-580-4768 Fax/Téléc</br>
E-mail / courriel
Michael Pastien
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 22, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Michael Pastien</strong></br>
<a href=""></a></br>
<a href=""></a><p>
When the current tenants purchased homes around the Stonebridge Golf Club property, there would have been a general reasonable 100% assumption that the natural greenspace around it would perpetually remain intact…regardless of whether that stipulation was written into their home buying contracts or not. In my view, Mattamy Homes has no legal right, under any conditions, to redevelop the area whatsoever!
If the golf course is perhaps not at all reasonably fiscally sustainable as is, they will at least need to persuasively prove it, and negotiate a fair win-win solution with Stonebridge Community Residents.
Moises Schachtler
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 20, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Moises Schachtler</strong></br>
<a href=""></a></br>
<a href=""></a><p>
I completely support your efforts to prevent any outside development on the golf course. If I was into golf, I'd be outraged if someone tried to mess with the course. </br>
I will support you in so many ways. Too many to include in my reply. Please visit to learn more. </br>
When elected, I will ensure precious green spaces aren't lost to new development. I will ensure we are developing in the right proportions moving forward. </br>
Craig MacAulay
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 17, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Craig MacAulay</strong></br>
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></br>
<a href=""></a><p>
<strong>Question: 1: </strong> I support the Stonebridge community in its efforts to stop any development on the Stonebridge Golf Course because it’s a BAD DEAL for the community and should NOT be allowed. Jan Harder and Mattamy Homes should be ashamed of themselves.<p>
<strong> Question: 2: </strong> I’m doing my best BEFORE the election to convince voters to elect a council that will work for the ENTIRE community, not just for professional politicians like Jan Harder and her 1% donors. AFTER the election (assuming I’m elected mayor) I will work tirelessly to respond to your (justifiable) outrage.<p>
I hope you like one of my most important campaign planks:<p>
"A good start would be opening up decisions at City Hall by implementing a ward council system and making sure that component neighbourhood community associations are legitimate, transparent and accountable. NOT fake community associations created and financed by a councillor to serve the needs of a small clique at the taxpayer and community’s expense!”</br>
<a href=""></a><p>
Ahmed Bouragba
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 17, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Ahmed Bouragba</strong></br>
<a href=""></a><p>
<strong>Question 1: Will you support the Stonebridge community in its efforts to stop any development on the Stonebridge Golf Course? Why or why not? </strong><p>
Absolutely yes, by supporting your community I can get support to all other communities who are under similar threats. Moreover, to touch a Golf Course is just absurd and does not make any sense to any reasonable right-minded person. <p>
<strong>Question 2. If you choose to support residents of the Stonebridge community, how will you support us? </strong><p>
What specifically can and will you do? Convince the Council to vote for positive motions that serves your interest as residents. Educate the decision makers and open their eyes and finally provide alternatives to the builders to to go away.<p>
Any additional comments you may have are welcome.<p>
The governance of our public institutions is biased with corporations due to the weakness of a large number of our politicians, the change can be enforced by strong people with strong voices only.