Candidates for City Councillor in Ward 22 (Gloucester-South Nepean)
2018 Municipal Election
Candidates’ Comments
Future Development on the Stonebridge Golf Course
Mayor of Ottawa / Ward 3 (Barrhaven) / Ward 22 (Gloucester-South Nepean) / Ward 21 (Rideau-Goulbourn)
Michael Qaqish
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 21, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Michael Qaqish</strong></br>
<strong>City Councillor</strong></br>
<strong>Ward 22 Gloucester-South Nepean</strong></br>
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Over the last four years I have had the pleasure of working closely with The Stonebridge Community Association on a number of local files including traffic calming, new parks, development, infrastructure and more. This relationship has always been positive and collaborative in nature. I have always worked hard to represent the best interests of our community and will continue to do so.<p>
My position on the Mattamy application has been clear and consistent from day one. From the onset, I have indicated to SCA that I will support the community's position in opposition if and when the application were ever to come before Council for a vote. <p>
Zaff Ansari
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 25, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Zaff Ansari</strong></br>
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1. Will you support the Stonebridge community in its efforts to stop any development on the Stonebridge Golf Course? Why or why not?<p>
I will support the Stonebridge Community in their fight against the developer to build homes, main reason because it is close to my heart since I am the only local candidate known to the area for many years and has been living around the area for 8 years and familiar with the neighborhoods and share the concerns with lot of my friends and families who live here, I'm also worried of growing developer influence in the City Council and I am the only candidate who has raised concerns from day one and has made it my campaign top priority to exempt developer influence.</br>
I am also aware residents has paid premium prices to buy the homes and I share their concerns and I have assured the residents in Golf Links during my interaction at the Stonebridge Association meetings and during my door to door campaign that I will do everything in my power to stop the developer from building homes if I am elected next Councillor.<p>
2. If you choose to support residents of the Stonebridge community, how will you support us? What specifically can and will you do?<p>
Since I live around the area and have lot of friends and families, I share their concern. I will use my power to block any motion.
I will use all my influence to stop the developer application going forward. I will work with the Stonebridge Community and stand with them in the battle to stop the closure of holes in the Golf Course to build new homes on them.
Harpreet Singh
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 22, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Harpreet Singh</strong></br>
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<a href="">Stonebridge Letter - Harpreet Singh</a>
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Carol Anne Meehan
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p>
<em>Received September 17, 2018</em></br></br>
<strong>Carol Anne Meehan</strong></br>
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I fully back the residents of Stonebridge and will fight to endure Mattamy does not eat away at the Golf course! While Mattamy may have the legal right because of the way the contract with home owners was written, morally it is wrong. There cannot be any waffling on this issue. If elected I will use all tools available to ensure Stonebridge remains an 18 hole golf course community.
Irene Mei
<strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">New Announcement:</span></strong> <strong>Comments</strong></br><p></br>
<em><strong>No Response Received</strong></em></br></br>
<strong>Irene Mei </strong></br>
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