Dear Stonebridge residents, as the golf course redesign implementation is moving into high gear, the activity on many areas of the golf course is transitioning from construction to the preparation of the fairways and the greens.
In this important phase of the re-design activity, it is critical that there be no foot traffic anywhere on the golf course property. As the soil is moved into place and made smooth, areas are being seeded around the course to grow the new grass surfaces of the modified fairways and greens. This soil and the new seed absolutely cannot be disturbed while the new grass is establishing. Any footprints in this delicate soil and grass mix will require repairs that can delay the completion of the modifications to the golf course and the expected re-opening in June 2022.
The SCA is appealing to all Stonebridge residents to keep off the entire golf course property and ask that you explain the urgency and importance of this request to household members during this critical phase while the new golf course grass is getting established.
Here is an example of some of the damage that was recently caused and brought to our attention by Stonebridge Golf Course staff:
Let’s ensure this does not happen again! We thank you for your cooperation in the successful completion of the Stonebridge Golf Course re-design implementation.